Sunday, December 4, 2011

Presentations Day 2

Nels: I really like how you incorporated Order at Key West into your presentation as well as your focus on the correlations between art and science. I’ve never thought of chemistry as having characteristics of art, but your discussion of how chemists try to emulate/better nature through their work was fascinating. I’m really looking forward to reading your paper, but I’m afraid most of it will be beyond my understanding :)
Ashely: Your discussion of Hazel’s role as the psychopompos and divine messenger was fantastic. The fact that Hazel’s becomes more significant in death than life and the transformation that occurs after death was a fascinating tie to your proposition that Hazel is the Vanessa Atalanta. After your presentation, I found myself still ruminating on the Demeter and Persephone connections, as well as the embodiment of maiden, mother and crone in one woman, both Sybil and Hazel, Mother Time, etc. Nice work!
Bizz and Jenny: I loved how you incorporated the major images and themes of Pale Fire through the mural. The idea of painting in two halves and connecting them to form butterfly wings was fantastic. I especially liked the allusion to Eyestein’s artwork with the cut out quotes from the novel and the incorporation of the mirrors.
Bizz: Your discussion of dyslexia and synesethesia “disabilities” and the connections to Pale Fire was fascinating. I’m really excited to read your paper to better understand Nabokov’s method of perception, the connection to Kinbote and Shade color synesthesia, and how a “mirrored” way of looking at Pale Fire would better the reader’s understanding of this novel.
Jenny: Your presentation on Fairy chess was super interesting—the correlations you discovered between the grasshopper, rose, and inverted crown pieces as well the alphabetized chess board really lend new insight to the form of the novel. I’m looking forward to seeing the connections you highlighted in class fleshed out in a paper.

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