Monday, November 21, 2011

Waxwing outline

The way up and the way down are the same way.--Herakleitos

In my paper, I would like to explore the following:
1.       How the myth of Icarus and Daedalus is central to Pale Fire (thesis)
2.       Daedalus as the Master Craftsman and scientist
3.       Daedalus and Kinbote as artists in exile and love as “homesickness”; the yearning for a reality separate from the artist’s reality
4.       The sacrifice of the Great Artist
5.       Icarus as daring to fly beyond the boundaries of reality
6.       Spirals, ampersands, double axe heads, labyrinths, butterflies
7.       Foucault’s reflections of the microcosm and macrocosm; a science of resemblance
8.       Art as labyrinths, artists as Master Builders, readers as metamorphosed through the journey
9.       “Altering the order of things” through poesis

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